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Parish Office Tel: 0151 648 8169
Email the Office
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Services at Church
Baptisms,Weddings & Funerals
PCC - Parochial Church Council
Treasurer's Pages
Welcome from the Treasurer
Easy Fundraising
Dawpool C of E School
Community Groups
Charities Supported by Church
Pumpkin Party 2014
Harvest Family Fun 2014
Harvest Supper 2014
St Beartholomew's Day 2014
WW1 - 100 years on
50th Ordination Anniversar​y of Simon Beckley & Joe Edwardson
Easter Journey Experience 2014
St B(e)artholomew's Day 2011
Christian Aid Soup Lunch 2011
Good Friday 2011
Easter Workshop 2011
Christmas Fair 2010
Harvest Supper 2010
St.Bartholomew's Day 2010
Inside Our Churches
Thurstaston and Irby
Local Flora and Fauna
Our Church Buildings
Services at Church
Baptisms,Weddings & Funerals
PCC - Parochial Church Council
Treasurer's Pages
Welcome from the Treasurer
Easy Fundraising
Dawpool C of E School
Community Groups
Charities Supported by Church
Pumpkin Party 2014
Harvest Family Fun 2014
Harvest Supper 2014
St Beartholomew's Day 2014
WW1 - 100 years on
50th Ordination Anniversar​y of Simon Beckley & Joe Edwardson
Easter Journey Experience 2014
St B(e)artholomew's Day 2011
Christian Aid Soup Lunch 2011
Good Friday 2011
Easter Workshop 2011
Christmas Fair 2010
Harvest Supper 2010
St.Bartholomew's Day 2010
Inside Our Churches
Thurstaston and Irby
Local Flora and Fauna
Our Church Buildings
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